S.E.O. – What is it good for?

If you have a website, you already know the value of S.E.O. or search engine optimization.
Getting your website to rank highly for your keywords, is vital for organic traffic. One of the benefits of organic search is that visitors to your website tend to trust that whatever they find on your website is what they are looking for or need. If you rank high in the search engines for any given keyword, your visitors will have a positive bias, toward your site, services or products.
Getting people to your website takes time, and often money. Building and improving on your website ranking in search engines should be considered one of your top objectives in your overall marketing strategy. Let us explore some basic methods to improve upon your SEO.
Making your website SEO friendly
If you have a website which is confusing navigation-wise, poorly coded, lacking the correct meta tags or is visually jarring, it will hurt your ranking. You want your site to be appealing to both humans and to search engine spiders. Poor site navigation is often the number one culprit for non-search engine friendly sites. You never want your visitors to see the “page not found” error. You want to make your website hierarchy clear and consistent. Create a sitemap for your website if you have 10 or more web pages. If your website is designed poorly, search engines will not be able to easily navigate and discover your content. If you are unsure if your website is search engine friendly, I can evaluate your websites search engine friendliness and correct any issues present. Don’t forget the meta description tag, as this helps the search engine to know what your site is about.
There is an old saying in the SEO world, and that saying is “content is king”. This has never been truer than it is today, as search engines love content. Keywords need to be paired with well-designed content, as search engines feed on content rich with keywords. Finding the right amount of keywords is key here if you place too many instances of the same keyword in any given piece of content it can actually hurt your rankings. The plus side to the content part of SEO is not only search engines love content, but users do as well. Give any images on your website an “alt” label and a corresponding text link, you would be surprised for some niches how much traffic images alone can bring in if you can get an image to rank in google images.
Links pointing to your website from other sites are vital to the success of your website. Links pointing to your website are seen by the search engines as a vote of confidence in regards to your contents accuracy, relevance, and usefulness. With that being said not all links are beneficial, some links can, in fact, do nothing for you and some can even hurt your search engine rankings. It is best to hire a qualified SEO professional when it comes to devising a link campaign as search engine algorithms are constantly changing. A link strategy that is useful and relevant today might not be in a week or a month.
If you have any doubt as to whether or not your SEO strategy is effective, or if you desire to rank higher in the search engines, contact me today for a consultation. I can set you on the path to success with your websites search engine rankings for your relevant keywords.