7 Ways to Capture More Leads Digitally

We often get so caught up in the excitement of the latest and greatest digital platform that we forget one thing: in the end, it’s all about making conversions for your business.
Are you doing everything you can to capture leads with your digital activities? Here are 7 methods you might not have tried to capture more leads for your business online.
Host a webinar.
You’re an expert in whatever you do, so why not give others a crash course? Hosting a webinar has never been easier with inexpensive or free services like GoToWebinar and Skype. Your participants will walk away feeling satisfied that they received useful knowledge for free, and you’ll walk away with their email address.
Offer an e-book.
If you already write a company blog, you probably have the makings of an e-book sitting right under your nose. Combine your most popular posts or expand on a high-traffic one and format it into an e-book—in plainest terms, a PDF document your readers can download by submitting their email address.
Develop members-only content.
This one is a bit more time-intensive because it requires you to produce high-quality digital content on a regular basis. But if you’re already doing that, why not put some of it behind a log-in screen? Allow members to join for free after telling you a bit more about themselves—namely, their email address and demographics.
Giveaways might not develop the most targeted leads, but they do deliver in sheer volume. Decide on a prize, like a $50 gift card, and establish entry options like signing up for your mailing list or sharing your LinkedIn update with a friend. Then, collect the leads and award the prize.
Encourage sharing whenever possible.
You’d be surprised how many customers are happy to refer you to friends and family if you just ask them. At the bottom of your emails, provide links for your contacts to easily share your message over social media. You can also ask for referrals directly with personalized messages.
Use a squeeze page.
Also called a landing page, a squeeze page is like a funnel directing customers to your homepage or blog post. The only difference is, they’re given an immediate call to action when they get there, like signing up for your email list. Though they’re highly effective, squeeze pages should be used sparingly, for example with PPC campaigns.
Add a subscribe button.
The simplest thing you can do to capture more leads is also one of the most effective: add a ‘subscribe’ button to every page of your website.
What’s the most effective way you capture leads? Join the conversation by leaving a comment, and follow me on Facebook for more useful digital marketing insights.